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So What The F*@% Is It?!?!

So lately I’ve been getting hit with the question, “What is the Tutela Training System”? I like to keep my answer simple…

It is a system we use to fully optimize human performance.

Immediately following my response, I get hit with another question “So what the F*$% does that mean”?!?!

I figured I’d set the record straight once and for all so you guys have a full understanding of what it is we do at TTS.

Here goes nothing!

First and foremost, TTS is a private training facility located in Clark, NJ. All of our programs have one thing in mind, optimizing human performance. The way we do that is we break our program down into 7 different categories.

  • Prehab: Simply put, this is what we do to avoid possible future injuries. After a thorough evaluation, we will prescribe certain stretches and soft tissue work to each individual based on their areas of tightness and weakness.

  • Mobility: As some of you may know, flexibility refers to the range of motion of the muscle, whereas mobility refers to the range of motion of the joints. However the two go hand in hand. We begin each session with a dynamic warm-up to enhance mobility, activate the Central Nervous System (CNS), increase body temperature and heart rate and last but not least, REDUCE THE RISK OF INJURY!

  • Speed/Power: As human beings, we are designed to be fast and powerful. As an athlete, speed and power are an absolute must. We do not typically train with Olympic lifts (unless an athlete is interested in competing). So in our system, we sprint, jump and throw.

  • Strength: ALL of our programs are designed to build muscle and get you STRONG! My reason is because the more lean muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will work and the more body fat you will lose! Training for strength will keep you anabolic and have you filling out your sleeves and buying smaller belts! Getting strong and building muscle will keep you healthy, and give you the confidence to kick ass on your playing field or in your life! We focus and building relative strength through body weight exercises and absolute strength by throwing around some heavy weight. We also take full advantage of moving around some heavy odd objects like kegs and sandbags to build some truly “functional” strength and muscle. Of course all of this is done with PERFECT FORM! This is something we constantly stress to keep you healthy and productive!

  • Conditioning: What good is being strong as shit if you lose your breath walking to the toilet? As an athlete or a stock broker I don’t think that would ever be a goal for obvious reasons (especially if you really have to go). We condition using sprint intervals, jumping rope, metabolic circuits and other ways that are challenging and SUPER EFFECTIVE. I do not recommend jogging on a treadmill or using other machines. We are not hamsters, we are meant to move freely through space.

  • Nutrition: Our nutrition protocols are highly effective and extremely simple. Eat only earth grown nutrients. It’s as simple as that. Lean meats, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates such as potatoes and quinoa, and nuts/nut butters to name a few. Cut out anything that’s processed and eat as much organic food as possible. Keep this shit simple. Don’t get too caught up in counting calories and small bullshit. We all know that broccoli is better than cookies. Just stop making excuses and prepare yourself with the right foods. Aside from helping you perform at the highest level possible, good nutrition should be your way of life. Diet and physical inactivity are the leading causes of death in the United States. It is a true shame that some of us may not see our grandchildren because we chose the greasy burger more than we chose the chicken breast.

  • Look great and feel F*&#ing AMAZING: As a result of eating the right way and proper training, you won’t only perform better, you will look and feel FANTASTIC. At TTS it is our mission to have you look and feel better than you ever have in your life! That means less fat, more muscle, pain free, happy and healthy. If you’re an athlete and need to perform at a high level you need to stay healthy, ready and look like a freak. If you are a lawyer you need to stay healthy, ready and look like a freak. EVERYONE needs to look and feel great. To be happy. To play with your kids. To have energy. To play hard. To reduce stress. These are all of our goals. Not just to train the right way but to live the greatest life FUCKING POSSIBLE! Life is too short to be overweight, tired, in pain, depressed and medicated. It is to rise above the norm. It is time to get out there and make this shit happen! Why say you will wait until tomorrow, or the New Year and then never do it anyway. The time is now.

That is what optimizing human performance means.

That my friends, is the Tutela Training System.

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Thanks for reading guys, until next time.

Train strong!

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