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Sean Dowling
Taylor Graves

“Coach Chris definitely helped me get stronger and faster for my senior year. He also educated me on stretching and hydration. I had problems with my hamstrings in prior seasons but I remained healthy this year because of Coach Chris' training and advanced flexibility drills. He also kept my team healthy and strong by making us lift properly throughout the season. It was a no brainer to put my trust in him to prepare me for college football.

Agbai Iroha, Saftey Monmouth University

“Tutela Training Systems will transform your team and propel them to success. Chris has a unique ability to blend strength training and nutrition which provides maximum results. The program he puts together is the foundation for my team’s success. On a personal note, Chris does an outstanding job as a personal trainer. By following his program I was able to shed 38 pounds! Chris is driven and will soon be the premier strength coach in New Jersey.


John Power 

Head Football Coach Columbia High School

Former Recruiting Coordinator Penn State University

“"After four years of college, I put on a dreaded 25 lbs of body fat and had no idea how tough it was to get rid of. I tried tons of different workout regimens and nutritional programs that I received from various personal trainers. Nothing seemed to work. When I finally asked Chris Tutela for his advice, I was amazed. Everything we did was different from what I have seen. I lost 9 lbs in my first week and continued to drop body fat and feel great throughout the entire program. I can confidently say there is NO other trainer like Chris Tutela."

Nicholas Stavrakis

Chris Tutela completely changed the way I look at fitness. I used to think that by eating “right” and running on the treadmill, I’d have the body of my dreams. As you can see from my before picture, that was definitely not the case. I was overweight and needed to make a change right away! Once I decided to join Tutela Training Systems, I started seeing changes immediately. I was stronger, healthier, more energized, and dropping body fat at a rapid pace. Trust me, if you want to look and feel your best, call Chris Tutela right away!

Erika Dafoie

Coach Chris is a huge asset to the Union Football Program. He helped our team avoid many injuries and kept our bodies strong through a very long season. I also feel as though I got significantly stronger due to his program, I have never been in such excellent condition. I can't wait to see the outcome of Coach Chris' training as he trains me to prepare for Football at the next level.

Randall Laguerre, Linebacker Central Connecticut State University

“What can I say about the guy who changed my life forever?  When I first came to Chris my strength was pathetic, I had a high level of body fat, and my energy levels were non-existent.  I was getting married in just 5 short months and I had to be ready to look my best and feel my best; it was a great opportunity to become a better version of myself and finally put an end to the excuses .  Chris sized me up and it was time to go to work.  Each training session would put me through my paces but Chris was behind me the whole way making sure I got through it all, failure was not an option.  Not only were the training sessions top notch but so was his expert dieting plan.  Combining it all and the result is me shedding 40 pounds of body fat in 5 months and you can bet I gained plenty of lean muscle mass in the process.  I felt and looked fantastic and was proud of what I had achieved.  I could hardly believe the strides I made in my strength gains alone.  I will never train the same, I will never eat the same, and I will never be the same.  This is what training, not exercising, is all about!  Bottom line: if you are serious about undergoing a true body transformation both inside and outside call Chris immediately.  It will be one of the best decisions you ever make.”


Robert Gugliuzza

Chris Tutela is a very important part of the football program at Union High School. His combination of strength, speed, and flexibility training has our athletes reaching new heights while remaining relatively injury free. Coach Tutela's commitment and attention to detail were a big reason our team reached the State Championship in 2013. I am excited to see our student athletes continue to thrive with his training. Our staff and players at Union are extremely lucky to have Chris Tutela as a part of our program!

RLou Grasso, Head Coach, Union Football

The training program Chris Tutela puts you through is one of a kind. It prepared my football team and I for the season we had ahead of us. It gave us the strength to outlast other teams solely because of the workout regimen we used. We endured the long demand of strength a game demands. Hard work pays off and our rewards were well worth the time put in. Tutela Training Systems is definitely where I will be preparing for college football.

Uchenna Egwuonwu, Defensive Tackle University of Maine

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