Students’ appearance should reflect a positive image of the school and contribute to a distraction-free learning environment. The following outlines the dress code for New Yu Academy:
Students are not to wear clothing that is tight, loose, sagging, baggy, revealing, spaghetti-strap, backless, low cut or short.
Pants – must be worn at the waist or upper hip and must not reveal underclothing
Shorts and Skirts - must be fitted at the waist or upper hip, must not reveal underclothing, and must be mid-thigh in length or longer
Tops, Shirts and Blouses – must not reveal underclothing, midsection, torso, back, chest, breasts or cleavage
Dresses – must not reveal underclothing, midsection, torso, back, chest, breasts, or cleavage and must be mid-thigh in length or longer
Shoes – must not detract from or interfere with the learning environment or present a safety or health hazard Tennis shoes or closed-toe shoes are preferred. House shoes/house slippers of any kind are not allowed.
Head Coverings – no type of head covering is to be worn with the exception of (1) a cap or hat that is part of a uniform worn at a school activity or (2) for religious or medical purposes
Underclothing – must wear appropriate underclothing;
Pajamas/lounge wear – any and all pajamas/lounge wear are prohibited
Jewelry/Piercings – Noisy, distracting and excessive jewelry or accessories are prohibited (including wallet chains). Jewelry/Piercings must not detract from or interfere with the learning environment or present a safety or health hazard.
Hair/Make-up – Hair must be well groomed, neat and clean at all times; hair style/color and makeup must not detract from or interfere with the learning and school environment.
Backpacks – must not detract from or interfere with the learning environment or present a safety or health hazard.
Students participating in school-related activities, such as extracurricular or other special functions, may have a different dress or grooming code required by the sponsor, coach, or administration.
More information about the official school uniform is coming soon.